Saturday, December 21, 2013

A New Adventure

       Hey guys, today I'm starting a new adventure for the holidays. It's gonna be all about the new Arabians that came out last week and we are going to do quests,  fashion stuff, and buy a new set for this new Arabian. So I had to sell one of my horses :(. But, in the end it will be worth it and we can have much more fun while Cinnamoncrush goes to a better home. Oh, and I know I have been GONE for a LONG time, but now I will be posting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, sometimes Saturday. I am so excited to do this and I will be posting as much as I can and try to do it everyday.
Well, bye guys I have gotta go train my horses. ThAnK yOu! ZFF ( Zelda Flowerforest)

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