Saturday, December 28, 2013

        Hey guys just finished decorating the tree. Sorry I was gone for so long, I just had been doing some Christmas stuff. Ok thanks guys! LUV U!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

      Hey, guys Winterbeauty and I  are just about to get the Christmas tree up in Harvest Counties. So I will be doing all these tiny details for Christmas and I have bought almost all of the store here at the holiday clothes store and I will be show casing some outfits for you fashionistas. Thanks guys and I gotta go put this tree up so BYE!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

A New Adventure

       Hey guys, today I'm starting a new adventure for the holidays. It's gonna be all about the new Arabians that came out last week and we are going to do quests,  fashion stuff, and buy a new set for this new Arabian. So I had to sell one of my horses :(. But, in the end it will be worth it and we can have much more fun while Cinnamoncrush goes to a better home. Oh, and I know I have been GONE for a LONG time, but now I will be posting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, sometimes Saturday. I am so excited to do this and I will be posting as much as I can and try to do it everyday.
Well, bye guys I have gotta go train my horses. ThAnK yOu! ZFF ( Zelda Flowerforest)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

       Hello everybody and this is another look at Jarlaheim. It's Christmas and Santa is waiting with his sled at town square. He's got a lot of quests and a lot of presents. You have to be level 5 or over to do them. There are new Christmas "wishes" that you can trade for presents next to Santa's sleigh. Thank you for trusting me to be your GOTO gal!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

                 Hey guys just hanging out. Please play star stable because its a lot of fun and you can buy horses do quests and hang with friends. Also If you ever see me online say hi or pretend hug me. My name is Zelda Flowerforest. I'm on the U.S. server and I'm usually running around Harvest Counties. Thank you!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

               Okay so there are two new Andalusians in chestnut and buckskin. You have to be level 8 or over. They are at the fishing paddock or Jarlasson Farm. They are majestic beautiful creatures and I just had to buy one. You will be seeing the new horse I bought on the horse page and please buy from  or just play Star Stable. Thank you for trusting me to be you GOTO gal!

                        Just hanging out and wanted to show you a nice place that is great for screenshots. Thanks for trusting me to be your GOTO gal.